sorry no more
One of the most empowering campaigns we’ve done to date. Everyday we have clients come in to get spray tans, or facials and constantly apologize for their appearance. So we thought it was time to take a stand and say #SORRYNOMORE! We want you to love yourselves and feel good about yourselves, and stop apologizing. There’s nothing sexier then self love!
LADIES, it’s time to stop apologising.
As Sutherland Shire’s Number 1 Beauty Salon, we decided we wanted to open the eyes of the community and show that Beauty and self-love is not about Vanity. We launched our #SorryNoMore body positivity campaign after owner Amy Maree noticed her clients kept saying sorry, as an initial reaction before every single service – they would say sorry for their appearance, be it their faces or bodies when they came in for treatments.
Amy saw even her Celebrity clients were doing it when they stepped into her tanning tent, they were not immune to insecurity when she was spray tanning her celebrity clientele such as Channel 9 personalities Erin Molan, Georgie Gardner and Delta Goodrem.
“All the girls who work here noticed women kept coming in and constantly apologising for their appearances. “
“They’d say sorry we had to look at their skin without make-up on, or sorry we had to see them naked as soon as they sat in the chair or stepped into the tanning booth.”
Amy and the Staff realised they were also guilty of apologising for their appearance – so she decided to flip the script.
”Women are constantly comparing themselves to the finished product you see on social media and in glossy magazines– the filtered, fake, professional shots instead of the real stuff,”
“I think our clients worry we expect them to look totally perfect all the time but we’re real people as well – they don’t have to constantly say sorry to us.”
The Bridal Bar staff and clients put their money where their mouths were for the campaign, where they stripped down to their underwear to say Sorry No More.
We all have our own story and we are all beautiful in our own way. We as a beauty salon encourage woman to come in and look after themselves and have a little pamper time if it makes them feel good, and not feel guilty. It’s not about Vanity, it’s about self-love and self-care.
We have encouraged our clients to not on STOP saying sorry, but to be featured on our Instagram Page sharing their story and vow to no longer apologise for their appearance.